WP Whatsapp Chat Support by castlecode

Thank you for purchasing this plugin.
If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here.

Video Tutorials | First Steps

This video tutorials will show you the basics for creating your first portfolio

Step 1: Installing the Plugin

Step 2: Creating My First Whatsapp Button
See some examples on how to create a button here

Video Tutorials | Some Examples

Some examples on what you can do with the plugin

Button with multiple accounts

Button with a single account

Big Button with an avatar

Importing and exporting buttons


There are two ways to install the plugin. Using the Wordpess Plugin Uploader or via FTP. Before intstalling the plugin you need to unzip the downloaded file from CodeCanyon into your computer. Inside you'll find a file named "wp_whatsapp_chat_support.zip" and a folder named "wp_whatsapp_chat_support".

Wordpress Plugin Uploader Steps:

  • Log into your Wordpress admin panel
  • Go to Plugins > Add New
  • Click Upload
  • Click Choose File and select the "wp_whatsapp_chat_support.zip" file
  • Click Install Now
  • Click Activate Plugin

FTP Steps:

  • Upload the "wp_whatsapp_chat_support" folder to the Wordpress plugins folder on your server using FTP (example: htttp://domain.com/wordpress/wp-contents/plugins/)
  • Login into your Wordpress admin panel
  • Find the plugin and click Activate

Update the plugin:

You should update via FTP. The process is same as the installation using FTP. DO NOT uninstall the plugin before updating it.

Create a Button

Here you will see how to create your first whatsapp button.

First Step:

You need to go to the Whatsapp Chat admin panel, through the left dashboard menu and then click Create a new whatsapp button.

Second Step:

Specify a button name (just for identification purpose in the admin panel) and choose the type of button of your preference.

Third Step:

Select the type of dialog (if any), and write the whatsapp number where you customers will contact you

Final Step:

Don't forget to save it by clicking the green Save button. If you click Close or leave the page the changes will not be saved.

Insert Buttons

Here you will see how to insert the whatsapp button you just created into your pages or posts.

Via shortcode:

Copy the shortcode of any whatsapp button and paste it in any page or post

Display automatically the whatsapp button in your pages:

You can also exclude some pages

Display automatically the whatsapp button after the "Add to cart" button of your woocommerce products:

Make sure to set button position to static

Button Settings

You can play around with all the options in the admin panel, if you put your mouse over any option you'll see a little description about it, so you know what it does.

Import & Export

Inside the file you downloaded from CodeCanyon you'll see a folder named "examples" inside that folder you'll find several .json files containing some of the buttons of the live preview.

Import Buttons:

You can import the all buttons.json file in order to get the examples into your Wordpress installation, or choose to import only some of them.
You can import examples by going to the Import/Export option in the Whatsapp Chat admin panel. Then scroll down to the IMPORTER section and select a .json file, then just click Import.

Export Buttons:

You can also export your buttons (in case you wish to import them in another Wordpress installation). In order to do so go to the Import/Export option, choose the buttons you wish to export and click the Export button. A .json file will be downloaded to your computer.