Lets create a grid with some social buttons, videos, sounds and more. You can put any HTML inside the boxes.

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Psico dell consecteture
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  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Vel ea commodi perferendis.   Dell Consecteture
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Vel ea commodi perferendis voluptates.
  A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.   Doug Linder
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Vel ea commodi perferendis voluptates.
  Sometimes it pays to stay in bed on Monday, rather than spending the rest of the week debugging Monday's code.   Dan Salomon
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Vel ea commodi perferendis voluptates.

Main Features

These are just few main features of the Media Boxes.

Fully Customizable

You can adapt the plugin to your needs. Make any combination that you can think with images, videos, sounds, iframes, text, HTML, etc.

Responsive Design

Put the plugin in any page and the grid will automatically adapt to its container taking care of keeping the right proportions.

For Any Resolution

You can define the grid layout (the number of columns or the width) for phones, tablets, desktops and all kind of resolutions.

Stop waiting for all thumbnails to load

If you specify the ratio of the thumbnails the plugin will show you the layout and the content without any delay.

Powerful filter system

You can combine multiple filtering, sorting and searching and even specify your own HTML markup.

Super fast grid

The plugin is using Isotope v2 which is one of the fastest and powerful grid systems out there, using the best browser features when available.

Overlay Effect

Several overlay effects are using CSS3 transitions and GPU acceleration in order to give you the best performance available.

Define the Ratio

You can specify the ratio of the thumbnails and the plugin will cut and center them for you with CSS techniques.


Step-by-step documentation from the simplest thing to the most advanced stuff, you can read it for free before you buy here.

Cross-browser support

Tested on IE 8+, Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, Opera and Mobile Browsers.

Free support

You can ask any question regarding the plugin before or after you buy and also get free updates

Deep linking

Directly link to the popup so you can share the popup content with your friends.