Ultimate Smart Slider

  • Syntax

    The Slider has the easiest syntax ever, just with a line of php code you can create a slider.

  • Advantage

    Forget about coding images, just drag and drop images into a folder and the plugin does the rest.

  • Responsive

    Will automatically adapt to its container taking care of keeping the right proportions.

  • CSS3 Transitions

    Take advantage of CSS3 Transformations like scale and rotation 3D for the transition effects.

  • Fallbacks

    For old browsers that does not support CSS3 transformations the plugin fallback to a fade effect.

  • Customizable

    It is based on CSS so you can change the color of the timer, captions, etc. through CSS.

  • Multiple Sliders

    You can create multiple sliders in one page just by calling the php function again.

  • Just HTML

    You can awlays go back to the classic way of building a slider with just HTML with a very easy markup.

  • Captions

    Support any HTML as the name of the images so when the plugin reads them the captions will be with HTML markup.

  • Support

    I offer you any free support concerning the Ultimate Smart Slider, I will help you any way I can.

  • API

    gives you full control over the slider, pause, play, stop, nav, etc., all through Javascript

  • Documentation

    You can read the documentation for free here, and feel free to ask any question you may have.

Default Javascript Options

    theme               : 'default', //The theme of the slider (default, theme1, theme2, theme3)
    width               : '100%', //The width of the slider, if it set to 0 it will take the width of the largest image
    autoPlay            : true, //auto play the images of the slider when is loaded
    rightClickImages    : false, //Enable right click on the images of the slider
    showTimer           : true, //show the timer line
    playInterval        : 4000, //Time between transitions when auto play is on
    playBtn             : true, //show play button
    loop                : true, //when play is on if is set to true start slideshow again when it finishes
    navArrows           : true, //show prev and next arrows
    navBar              : true, //show the navigation bar
    navBarNumeric       : false, //If the navigation bar will show the numbers of images
    autoHideNavArrows   : false, //if it set to true then show the prev and next arrow only when you do a mouseover
    autoHidePlayBtn     : true, //if it set to true then show the play button only when you do a mouseover
    autoHideNavBar      : false, //if it set to true then show the navigation bar only when you do a mouseover
    keyboardNav         : true, //navigation with arrows right and left of the keyboard
    transitionSpeed     : 700, //The speed between transitions 
    boxSpeed            : 450, //The animation speed of a single box (must be lower than transitionSpeed)
    captionSpeed        : 300, //The animation speed of the caption 
    captions            : true, //Show captions of the images that have text to show
    autoHideCaptions    : false, //if it set to true then show the captions only when you do a mouseover
    thumbnails          : true, //Show thumbnails when hovering nav
    thumbnailSize       : 20, //Thumbnail size (percentage of the original image)
    x                   : 8, //when using boxes the x axis
    y                   : 4, //when using boxes the y axis
    hideIconsInWidth    : 500, //Hide the icons(arrows, plat btn, navbar) when the width is 500px or less for responsive design
    hideTimerInWidth    : 500, //Hide the timer when the width is 500px or less for responsive design
    shadow              : true, //A CSS3 shadow of the slider
    beforeTransition    : function(){}, //execute a function before right before the transition begins
    afterTransition     : function(){}, //execute a function after the transition completes
    onSlideshowEnd      : function() {}, // Runs when the slideshow finishes ( "loop" must be set to false )
    onPlay              : function() {}, // Runs when somebody click the button play
    onPause             : function() {} // Runs when somebody click the button pause

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David Blanco 2013 © All rights reserved.